Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"at least my penis isn't bleeding"... really?

sorry, i'm listening to [house] right now. anyhow, there's been a lot of success these past few [weeks]days. i've made a few tiny hats, one of which was promptly purchased. that was pretty awesome. i've started working on another one, buttons. that's right; buttons. oooooh.

class is going pretty well. i think today proved to be the most productive so far. we actually started talking[albeit we only really introduced ourselves, and said what we thought our role is in class]. the flier is made, and to-be-stuffed on friday. i'm just hoping i'm not the only one that shows up. i mean, i think i'm the most accessable pupil since i can bring olivia with me to class, and i have a car available. i'm gonna try to kidnap elfie and (what'sa)trung to help out.

i'm actually really excited about this.

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